Paul Childress is a Licensed Massage Therapist who specializes in sports performance and medical massage. He uses a variety of active and passive massage techniques including cupping and FAT-Tool (scraping) therapy. These techniques improve our body’s ability to recover and help to improve muscle imbalances and soft tissue dysfunction.
Aside from Paul’s massage therapy work, he is an experienced strength and conditioning specialist with over 25 years of experience. He has had the pleasure of working with professional NFL, NHL, MLB, and Olympic athletes.
Paul is well known for his 20 plus years of powerlifting experience. He holds many world records in individual lifts and the total. His records include: World squat record 1147, World record bench press 691, and World record total 2663.
Paul’s accomplishments coupled with his educational background consisting of a Bachelor of Science in Health Science Nutrition and a Masters in Exercise Science, make him well equipped to help you reach your goals.